Friday, November 30, 2018

thanksgiving party with caimbree

I help in Heidi and Savanna's quite a bit, but Caimbree's teachers don't ask for much help.  She often asks me when I will be in her classroom.  Can we just freeze time right here and let me soak in a little more the joy of these precious girls wanting me with them? and you better believe I take every single opportunity to be there when they ask!  Caimbree's class did a little Thanksgiving lunch and she was SO excited I was coming.  She was really sad when I dropped her off and she realized the party wasn't for a few hours and it took some convincing for her to believe me that I really was coming back!  She made a cute little thankful turkey and I thought it was SO sweet that she said she was thankful for her sisters.  They really are her very best friends and she depends on them quite a bit.  I loved spending time with her in her classroom!

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