Saturday, November 10, 2018

space center

 Our last trip of the summer was to Huntsville, Alabama to check out the Space Center.  It was a great trip!  They had a lot of cool things to do and see and we learned a ton.  The hardest part was just knowing summer really was over and that this was it.  We love having time with the girls and we love exploring new places. We love checking out new states and we love that we can get to states more easily out here.  We really liked Alabama!  We hope to go back again and what we really wish, is that we could rewind summer and do it all over again.  We had so many fun adventures and we made so many wonderful memories.  These girls really are a joy to explore with.  They have their moments, but honestly, they are  We love them and their hearts and their curiosity, and their desire to learn.  We have been blessed beyond measure and we are trying not to take a single second for granted.

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