Thursday, April 7, 2016

random april happenings

 I had a few pictures on my phone I forgot about and wanted to remember.  We took the girls on another hike at Montgomery Bell last weekend.  We crossed a bridge and Heidi and Savanna had a blast running over it.  Heidi kept talking about the troll under the bridge.  You can't really tell on this picture, but Savanna was legitimately terrified.  I had to explain to her that there are no such thing as trolls.  I don't think she fully believed me, but it did calm her down a little.  We absolutely love hiking here...such beautiful scenery and we love all of the trails we have hiked so far.

 Heidi had spring pictures this week.  I didn't order any...well, I ordered one of her in a cap and gown, but I didn't order the regular ones because they were so outrageously overpriced.  I snapped this picture of her in the parking lot.  She looks so pretty.  Her hair is getting so long.  We will cut it after her dance recital, but I don't know if I will have her cut it as much as I was originally going to because it looks so pretty on her and we can do so many different hairstyles.
 Savanna, Caimbree, and I enjoy our time together while Heidi is at school, even though we miss Heidi and can't wait to pick her up at the end of her day.  Every day the weather cooperates we go to the lake right after we drop her off.  I love watching Caimbree and Savanna.  They usually hold hands the entire time and Savanna likes to pretend she is Caimbree's mom.  She always says, "I'm Mi mi's mom".  Savanna had a rough, rough day at dance on Monday.  She seems to have a little trouble with anxiety and new situations and situations where she doesn't have the comfort of one of her sisters by her side.  She did awesome on Wednesday when Heidi could go in with her.  Her teacher pulled me aside after the class on Wednesday and told me it was unbelievable how well Savanna can do the steps and how she does the moves in perfect rhythm to the music.  It doesn't really surprise me because she has always seemed to be really good with her body and physical things.  I just wish I could help her break through her shyness and fear of embarrassment.  I hope she will start to loosen up and gain some confidence soon because she would be so much happier in social situations.
It looks like there is a lot of rain in the forecast for the next week, which means we will probably be inside quite a bit more.  The girls aren't super thrilled about the forecast...we may just have to jump in puddles next week.

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