Thursday, May 4, 2017

park days

 The weather has been up and down, but mostly very pleasant since probably the end of February.  A few weeks ago we spent the day with some friends and ended up going to different parks.  We had the best day.  I am so grateful for the friends I have made and the friends my kids have made.  It had rained the day or two before we went and the water at the creek was full and there were puddles by the park.  The kids spent most of their time playing in the water and my friend and I just laughed at the little adventures they were having.  By the time we left the second park, the kids were soaked, but very, very happy....and so were we.  My heart was full and happy from spending the afternoon with one of my favorite people.  I haven't laughed so hard in a long time and it was just such a relaxing day.
I will definitely miss park days when the girls are too big and stop asking to go everyday.

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