Saturday, March 2, 2013

four months

 Have I ever mentioned that I love this little Savanna girl?  Well, I do.  A lot.  She just makes me so incredibly happy.  I don't know how we ever had a life without her sweet little spirit in our home.  What I really can't believe is that she has been with us for four whole months.  She is definitely changing from a newborn into a baby and we can't get enough of her little cheeks!  I won't get her stats until the end of the month when I take her in, but here are some things we love about Savanna.
 *Savanna is so incredibly happy.  Of course she has her moments in the evening, but from the second she wakes up she is my smiley little girl.  As soon as she sees someone she just lights up with the hugest grin. Her smile is infectious and it's either a huge open mouth grin or she wrinkles her nose while smiles.  So adorable.
*Loves to watch her older sister.  We often catch her staring and smiling at Heidi.
*So ticklish and it is so easy to get laughs out of her.  Oh my goodness how we love this.  Is there anything sweeter than a baby's laugh?  I think not.
*Still not a stellar sleeper by any means. She typically goes down around 8 and then I have to give her a binky around midnight and then she's up again by 2.  I usually feed her and hope she will go back to sleep.  Sometimes it's a fight to get her back to sleep.  Then she is up again by 5:30 or 6.  It's exhausting, but we love her all the same.  If we knew the secret for getting her to sleep, we would definitely try it!
*Has rolled over from her tummy to her back to escape tummy time about 5 times.
*Loves to lay on her play mat and loves to chat with her friends on her bouncy seat.
*Sleeps better if she is swaddled really tight.  Whenever she gets out of her swaddle it's a guarantee she will up soon.
*Loves her bath and hates getting out and in her pajamas.
*Likes to be read to.
 *Blows lots and lots of bubbles.
*Often sucks on two fingers or her clothes...whichever is most convenient.
*Very patient.
*Getting a huge bald spot in the back. I love that phase...can you sense my sarcasm?
*Have I mentioned how happy she is?

I love you, Savanna and I can't believe I am lucky enough to call you mine!

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