Sunday, December 25, 2016

christmas 2016

 Oh we just had the best Christmas.  It has been the most incredible month!  We were able to complete so many fun acts of service and the manger the girls made was full to overflowing with acts of kindness.  I am so proud of these girls and I love their hearts and their excitement to make others happy.  We went to bed Christmas Eve happy and excited for the fun of Christmas morning.  The girls expressions and excitement did not disappoint.  I think I was up the earliest waiting for the them to get up...I couldn't wait!!!!

 We had church at 10 so we looked in our stockings and had our traditional German Pancakes for Breakfast.  The girls ended up opening their presents from Grandma Hunziker before we left for church, which included darling matching dresses.  They put those on and played with the other part of her gift--darling aprons she had made them and mixing bowls and utensils to play!  Oh were they happy.  It was hard to tear them away from their mixing bowls to get to church!  We went to a wonderful church service and came home and ate a quick lunch.  The girls were so good about being patient to open the rest of their presents.  We didn't even start to open gifts until around noon, but it made it so fun because it helped prolong the fun of the day.

 The girls got sleds from Santa, but they won't need those for awhile!!  It was 70 degrees and delightful today!  Hopefully we will get one good storm like last year because the girls love sledding.  They also got the best gift...Jeff built them nightstands and they got lamps and clocks.  They were thrilled and it was so special that Jeff had spent all this time secretly building them.  They were so appreciative and excited about everything they got and it was so fun to see their happy little faces!  As always, I am so sad to see the day end.  Next year the girls will be another year older.  Each fun holiday that passes is a reminder of how fast this season of life is going.  I am so grateful for this life I have with this sweet family of mine!  I am blessed with far, far more than I deserve!  Merry Christmas!!!!!!

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