Saturday, January 24, 2015

waiting to be better

 We are still waiting to feel all the way better around here.  The other day I tried to get the girls interested in doing something other than laying around getting on each other's nerves.  They love to play with baking soda and vinegar dyed with food coloring.  It never ceases to be exciting and it helped them perk up just a bit.  They really do seem to be mostly better besides the nagging cough and Savanna's eye is still not all the way better.  That stresses me out because she is supposed to be done with eye drops and everyone said it was a quick fix but it is still somewhat goopy when she wakes up in the morning.  I have no idea if this is normal but I figure I will give her a few more days before I haul them all back to the doctor to figure it out.  Jeff is still the worst off and to be honest, I am so more than 500% ready for him to be able to be better.  I need another adult if for nothing else than for moral support.  The way things are going, it looks like I am on my own for at least another two weeks.  I begged him to go back to the doctor today just to make sure he doesn't have pneumonia or something.  I mean shouldn't you by day 14 be able to function??  He says it's just the cough that keeps him up all night so he is just really tired.  Well, I'm tired too and I'm up all night coughing but I can still get off the couch at this point and feed children and make dinner.  So I am worried there is something else going on and I don't know how long he is going to wait to figure it out, but I think I may lose my patience with it before he does.  Wait, I take that back.  I've already lost my patience.  So if you're the praying type, please pray that his body will heal because if it doesn't, I really think I may have to be checked into the loony bin...or I may just have to book myself  vacation in which I go  Oh my.  Now that sounds nice.

 We ventured out to the post office last week and were very excited to find our blog book had arrived!  At least we have had a lot of fun things to read while laying around the house.  I am thrilled with how it turned it out this year.  Motivation to keep the blog going!

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