Wednesday, January 21, 2015

seven months

January 19 marked seven months since Caimbree joined our family.  Taking pictures was hard this month.  Neither one of us was really up for the task and this is the best we could do, but at least we got a few.  Even though Caimbree has not been feeling very well for about a week, she is a little trooper and tries so hard to be happy and go with the flow.

*Caimbree is now a master sitter.
*She can roll both ways, but sometimes she forgets and panics when she is on her stomach.
*Still has her beautiful blue eyes.
*Has now reached that grabby phase where absolutely nothing is safe if it is within 3 feet of her.
*Loves to grab Heidi and Savanna's hair.  They actually both respond surprisingly well.
*Caimbree cracks me up with her serious little faces.  I think when people meet her, they think she is very serious, but I would not describe her that way at all.  She is extremely interactive and smiles her head off the entire time you are talking with her.
*Loves to sit back and watch the chaos around her.

*Absolutely, with a burning passion, hates anything you try to feed her.  I have never had a baby like this.  I am ready for her to not be 100% dependent on me for survival, but she wants absolutely nothing to do with bottles, sippy cups, and especially solid food.  If she even sees me trying to mix it up for her, she gives it the nastiest stink eye.  I am not kidding.  Instead of getting better at eating, she is getting worse.  She sticks her tongue out and to the top of her mouth so that it is impossible to get the food in.  If you happen to get a drop in, she gags, screams, and spits it out immediately.  We have tried rice cereal, pears, and sweet potatoes.  Honestly, due to our sickness and some horrible migraines for me before that, we haven't even attempted in about 2 weeks.  It's just too frustrating for everyone involved.  At some point she will decide she wants to eat.
*Loves the bouncer.
*Still likes the hospital soothie binkys.

*Starting to have separation anxiety, but is fine with Jeff.
*Loves Heidi, but is a little nervous when Savanna is around, which is sad because Savanna loves her so much.
*Starting to put all of her toys in her mouth.
*Hates to be left in a room alone.
*Likes to sit on the counter and watch me cook.
*Everyone who meets her comments on her cheeks.
*Such a giggle box!!!  We LOVE this about her!

*Seriously, the loudest little girl I have ever met!!!  She loves to talk and squeal, and you never have to wonder where she is.
*Usually naps around 9 and 12:30/1. Sometimes she takes a quick evening nap.
*I honestly don't even know what is "typical" for night sleep anymore.  She was getting in a routine then she got sick.  Then she was doing good (I think, but to be honest I was up so much I can't even tell you which child was sleeping and which one wasn't) and now her nose is all stuffed up.  She will figure out and loves having a place of her own to sleep.  I really believe that once she starts eating consistent solid food meals more than once a day she will be just fine.  At the rate she's going, it may be awhile.
*It doesn't matter what outfit she is wearing or what size diaper she is in, she will explode out of it. I think I do at least one load of wash a day trying to save something from being stained.
*When she wakes up she is so cute.  She will just roll around play happily until you come get her.
Overall, Caimbree really is such a fun, delightful, roll with the punches kind of a baby.  We love her so much!!  She is definitely not starved for attention around our place and all of us think she is amazing!  I still can't believe she is already 7 months old.  Time is flying by.  Love you baby girl!

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