Friday, January 9, 2015

almost 6.5 months stats and almost 4.5 year stats

Caimbree turned 6 months on December 19, but with the craziness of Christmas I took her in yesterday.

Height: 24 inches--below 5%
Weight:14 lbs 8 oz--17%

She is about two pounds heavier than my other girls at this age.  I am glad she is growing and developing on track!

Caimbree did pretty well with her shots but late last night after we put her to bed she started puking.  What the heck??  I don't know if it's related to the shots (I doubt it) or if the cereal/sweet potatoes I made her eat (which she seriously despises) upset her stomach, or if she just got a stomach virus.  I am hoping it's just a virus.  She threw up five times and ate in the middle of the night, but kept it down.  She didn't have a fever or anything.  Jeff had a touch of something Sunday, but no one else seems to have it, so I am really confused.  Praying it's not food allergies or something.

I also had Heidi get her pre-kindergarten shots.  She was oh so very mad at her mother, but I just wanted to get it done while we were there!  It was pretty traumatic for Heidi...which would make sense if you know our little Heidi.

Height-39 inches--16%
Weight-32 pounds--14%

Actually getting her height and weight were almost more traumatic for her than the actual shots.  Of course she screamed the rest of the afternoon about her legs hurting, but by early evening she seemed to have forgotten and told me she was glad she had them done and over with.  You wouldn't think those words would come out of her mouth when just minutes before she was telling me she was just going to sit on the couch until she was 11 because her legs were going to hurt at least that long.  Love this picture I snapped of her napping.  She really is such a good girl.  I hit the jackpot with my girls.  Now if they could just stop growing so fast.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

aw what cuties! I see a little giraffe! ;)