Monday, August 4, 2014

celebrating the 24th--rodeo

 Saturday night was the ranch rodeo.  Everyone was pretty excited and we love that we live close enough to just walk over.  People at the rodeo kept asking me if I had 4 girls, assuming Melissa was also one of my children.
 They gave out flags and the girls had fun waving them around.  I love the events in the ranch rodeo.  I am excited for the day I don't have little ones that need to be taken home for bed so I can watch the whole thing.
 Caimbree was a trooper and lasted until the girls were ready to head home...which was around 8:30 after the rabbit chase.
The girls got numbers for the bunny chase. If they caught a bunny they could choose to keep the bunny or take the money ($5).  Heidi could not wait for this.  Of course after it was over, and we were walking home she was bawling.  I asked her why she was sad and she said, "The man said my dad couldn't go past the line and I wanted my dad to run with me.  I was so scared out there and I didn't even see a bunny!"  It was pretty funny...and more dramatic since it was an hour past her bed time.  I was surprised she even ran with all of the kids but I think she felt like she had to for fear she would be trampled if she didn't run!!  Savanna didn't even go out because she was so tired and grumpy by that point.  Maybe next year!

Overall I think the girls had a good time.  We can't wait to check it out again next year!

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