Tuesday, May 29, 2012


 Heidi does not, and has not ever liked the feeling of being by herself.  This can make life difficult at times...like in the car.  Heidi will be manageable if I can sit in the back with her or even if I can just put my hand on her lap for her to hold.  As long as she is in physical contact with one of us, she is a happy camper.  Even when we change her diaper or get her dressed she says, "hold mama's arm?" or "hold dada's elbow?"  She does not ever like me or Jeff to leave her sight, which makes nursery and leaving her with someone else for necessary things a little stressful.  However, the redeeming quality of it all is that she is the snuggliest almost 2 year old I have met in my life.  She would sit in your lap and snuggle all day long if you let her.  If I get busy making dinner and leave her for too long she will come find me and say, "snuggle mommy?"  Then she will insist you sit with her and read to her or sing to her or tickle her back.  After bath time she doesn't like to get in her pajamas right away.  As soon as she gets in her towel she says, "Rock mommy sing songs?"  So we rock in the chair and sing every song we can thing of...primary songs and On Top of Spaghetti being her current favorites.
Although I am lucky enough to be the recipient of most of the snuggles, Heidi definitely does not leave her dad out. He was home tonight for the first time in awhile and all she wanted to do was "snuggle dada" and read her new library books.  When she isn't the one holding the book, she has to put her hand on your face while you read.  I know that having her constantly need to be in contact with us makes a lot of day to day things more difficult, but the truth is, I wouldn't trade her and all of her snuggles, hugs, and kisses for a quiet car ride or an easy night out.  One day too soon she won't want to snuggle all day so we will take all the loves we can get.  We love you Heidi bug!

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