Friday, May 25, 2012

Play luffys?

In case you are wondering, we are alive, well, and finally feeling SETTLED!  What a glorious feeling.  We had a rough go of it trying to pack with all three of with ear infections and antibiotics, but we are feeling better and are so happy to be in one place.  With the help of Jeff's wonderful parents, we moved out of our darling little home last weekend and into our temporary townhouse until the new house is built.  We can't thank Jeff's parents enough because without them it would have taken us probably 2 more weeks and we just didn't have time with Jeff's work schedule.  We don't close until next week, but Jeff only had one weekend off this month so we had to take advantage of it.  We all miss our old home and town, but we are so, so, so relieved to be done with the packing and least for a few more months :).  Heidi is adjusting pretty well to her new house but she definitely misses her old house.  At least once a day she brings us her shoes and says, "Back Heila's house."

Since moving to our new place one of Heidi's favorite games involves all of her washcloths (aka "luffys") and her dad.  She repeatedly says, "Play luffys dada?" multiple times a day.  This game involves Jeff placing the washcloths carefully all over Heidi.  Once they are there, she lays really still and says, "Heila sleep now."  That lasts about 2 seconds then she pops up and says, "HEILA WAKE!"  It is so funny to watch and every washcloth must be used and at least one must be placed on her head.  Everyday more and more of her funny personality makes us laugh.

My other favorite game is called, "Where did Heila go?"  Every chance Heidi gets she either finds a place to hide or just covers her eyes and says, "Where did Heila go?"  It never ceases to be a thrill when we "find" her.  Oh how I love this little girl and wish we could just freeze time.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I love this story, she is HILARIOUS! She sounds like a party all the time!! I'm so glad you sold your home and are embarking on being settled in a new home!