Tuesday, May 1, 2012

signs of a toddler

 Now that we are in full blown toddler mode, there are constant reminders around our house of the little one that rules the roost.  Ever since seeing a bottle of shampoo in a window in one of the books we were reading, Heidi is obsessed with putting shampoo in our windows.  She takes out all the travel bottles and puts them in and out of the window sill saying, "Shompoo, windy.  Yeah!"  She also has now begun adding water bottles to her collection.  So if you see random bottles in our window, you know why.
 Windows don't stay fingerprint free for very long.  Now that Jeff is back to mowing the lawn Heidi has resumed her position watching and waving at her favorite pal.
 Although I am CONSTANTLY picking up Heidi's shoes, I love seeing them around the house.  She has named every pair she owns and goes around the house switching them all day.  "Church shoes, park shoes, new shoes," are words I hear all day long.
 I have found crayon in a few places where it shouldn't be.  Thankfully I have only had to wipe it off the wall, door, toliet, and tub once.  She is pretty good about not doing something I tell her not to again (knock on wood), but she does draw on her little table and chair A LOT.  Thank goodness for washable crayons.
 Heidi's little pictures are all over the house.  While she does like to draw on her own and is getting better and trying to draw circles, she mostly tells Jeff and I what she wants us to draw.  "Draw daddy, blue hair.  Draw daddy, ladder.  Draw Ernie.  Draw daddy house ladder."  I hear those ones a lot.
Heidi loves to "help".  Every time I am putting laundry away in my room she runs to her room saying, "Help mama.  Heila help mama".  It doesn't take long before I hear her drawer open and it gets really quiet.  Almost always I leave my room to find her drawers completely empty.  As soon as I go in her room she starts clapping saying, "Goo jo (good job), Heila!  Yeah!"  Then she starts clapping those little hands and I can't help but smile as I fold the clothes and put them back for the 50th time that week.

Although our little toddler creates lots of extra work, I love seeing all the signs that I have a little one in my house...especially this little one.

1 comment:

Megan C. said...

I love that you have shampoo bottles in all your windows. Hilarious!