Monday, May 7, 2012

lack of posting?

So you may see a lot fewer posts from us for a little while.  Our month is going to be crazy but I will try to update as often as I can.

1.  We sold our house...lots and lots of mixed emotions with that one.
2.  Our closing date is May stressful, but also good because that means we can break ground sooner.
3.  As soon we close, we should be able to start building the next week...fingers and toes crossed.
4.  We are praying with all our might that we will be in the new house before BABY #2 makes their big debut around November 15.

In other news, this pregnancy has been quite difficult.  It took a few months of clomid, which caused a lot of horrible headaches.  Then at 7 weeks I started spotting.  I had to have an ultrasound and they did find a small cyst which the doctor is hoping will go away by the 20 week ultrasound.  Once I we finally got pregnant, the nausea was almost unbearable.  Just like Heidi I have been suffering with horrible, horrible migraines.  I think they are far worse than they were with Heidi, but now that I am 12 weeks there is a prescription medication I can start taking, which will hopefully help.  In spite of it all, we are so thrilled we are being blessed with another little one to love.  I will take all the headaches if it means we can have another little one in our home!


Natalie Kay said...

Yay Beth!! I am so happy for you!! That stinks about the headaches and nausea - never fun!! Sorry!!

I'm excited for Heidi - she'll be a great big sister, I'm sure!!

Dana said...

You're pregnant! I'm so excited for you! I'm SO sorry about all the nausea and migraines, though. I can't wait to hear updates about the new little one!

And I'm so happy for you guys selling your house. We tried for a long time to sell our condo and ended up having to rent . . . so we still own it. I'm always so happy when I hear that someone got theirs sold and don't have to worry about it anymore. Good luck with the new house!

Lindsey said...

Congratulations!!!!! I am so happy for you guys! Baby #2 is so fun and it's so fun to see big sister with the baby. Congrats on selling your house, too, and good luck with the new one!

The Birds said...

Beth I am so excited for all your new adventures! I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. we will keep you in our thougths and prayers! We really need to get together! I miss you!

Heidi said...

Congrats on selling your home. Can't wait to see you have an end to nausea and headaches and can't wait to see the new baby!!

Heidi said...

Yay, congrats on selling your home! I hope your headaches and nausea go away soon and I can't wait to see pictures of the new baby. Good luck on the build of your new home!