Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Last Weekend...

I can't believe spring break is already over! My stomach is swarming with butterflies again. In order to keep his scholarship, Jeff has had to take a bunch of random classes in order to be a full-time student. One of the classes he took was a map class. On Saturday he went to the top of a mountain on snowshoes and had to find his way back with a map and a compass. Of course this is totally his thing and he could not have been more excited! You should have seen him packing up the night before. It was so cute. I wish I could have gone with him. He came back sunburned, but happy.

On Sundays we have been ward hopping because we don't have an actual ward to go to because of many reasons, but anyway, today was funny. We accidentally went to the Polynesian ward!! I knew we didn't quite fit in. Actually, we walked out as soon as I realized it. So then we luckily found another ward that hadn't taken the sacrament but it was jammed to capacity and we couldn't hear a thing in the foyer so we ended up going for a very long walk up the Provo River Trail. It was so windy and cold so these are not the best pictures, but I loved spending time with Jeff. I can't wait to live right next door to a running trail.


Megan C. said...

You're ward hopping now? Funny. I forgot to tell you that someone called from that ward to have me substitute in Primary. I was kind of rude and told that I had moved out of that ward SIX MONTHS AGO! Apparently no one noticed when we were there, so no one noticed when we left.

McMurtrey said...

that sounds like so much fun!! The pics are so cute!! It's fun that Jeff gets to take some easy or fun classes! Those are what help you make it through all the hard ones!!

Lindsey said...

What a weekend. I am so sorry that it's over and you are back to the old grindstone. I have a feeling that you all are starting to review for the CRT? Good luck with the next few weeks. It's going to be all over before you know it!

jonna said...

ah, bethyboo! You are too funny! how is it being back at school? Only about a month right? Oh but then that means you are leaving??:( we need to get together asap!

Jared and Christine said...

Hey Beth send me an email and I will reply with an invite, I don't have your personal email.