Saturday, June 17, 2017

summer days

 We have been having such a fun summer.  We have been doing fun weekend trips and during the week we have been having fun spending time together and not worrying about a schedule!  I am absolutely LOVING having Heidi home...I'm not sure I can send her back!  I love having more time to read to her, play games together, and just spend unstructured time together.  She is a million times happier and kinder!  I know she loves school, but I really think it wears her out.  Summer is way too short and I know it will be gone before we know it.

I have been trying to keep their days somewhat structured.  We do workbooks and chores in the morning.  Heidi did a week of swimming lessons.  We have been doing as many library summer reading activities as we can squeeze in.  The girls really loved the day the police officer and a ventriliquist came.  They have enjoyed checking out and reading a new stack of books each weeks!  I have also tried to squeeze in crafts and science experiments.  One day I had them working with baking soda and vinegar on the back porch.  Heidi was being so cute telling the girls things like, "Do you know what steam and fizz are?  That's part of science."  Then I guess Savanna saw a helicopter pass overhead and said something about maybe someone in the scriptures was in the helicopter to be funny.  I heard Heidi say, "The people in the scriptures are dead Savanna.  They are dead.  Sorry to bust your dreams."  I was standing in the kitchen trying to contain my laughter.

We have also had a fair amount of fighting and not getting enough sleep and grumpiness and running errands is definitely more difficult, but I would keep life like this and the girls this size forever if I could.  I love having them with me all of the time.  I love having our own schedule.  I love not stressing constantly about school germs.  Please slow down summer days.  You're passing way too quickly.

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