Saturday, June 17, 2017

caimbree's big girl bed

 Since Caimbree is turning 3 we decided we not only needed to ditch the binky for good, but to move her to her big girl bed.  Don't let her smile fool you, it is has NOT been going well.  Naps aren't happening, or are happening too late in the afternoon.  She asks for her crib back and says she doesn't like her big girl bed.  In hindsight, I think we did a few things wrong.  First of all, we should not have moved her and taken the binky at the same time.  Second of all, with the bed being full size, I think it intimidates her and feels like too big of a change. I think she would have done better in a twin in Savanna's room so she wasn't alone.  But, we had the full size bed and there are benefits to not sharing and the binky had to go.  But really, truth be told, I am beat.  I dread bed time and the fight it has become.  I hate how my happy, mellow, cool as a cucumber angel has become a tired, cranky, screaming, raging, tantrum thrower!  I keep thinking it is going to improve, but it has been over a week and it is not getting any easier.  She gets up in the night, she wakes too early.  The nightmare is real people.  But man, do we love her.  Jeff has been a
huge help and lays with her often to get her to settle down.  If she were my first I would probably be freaking out, but I assume at some point she will get this and we will move on.  And let's be honest, this kind of stress is absolutely nothing compared the stress and anxiety of the big problems that come as they get older.  So for now, we will take it one sleepless day at a time.  We will keep encouraging her to sleep and do our best not to just throw in the towel, set the crib back, and stick the binky back in her mouth ha ha!

Funny Side Story: When my dad came to visit I put Caimbree in Savanna's room in a pack 'n play.  I heard her little feet running around at 6 and she and Savanna were giggling.  They informed me there was a "secret door" that she could get out of.  Sure enough there is an outside zipper that connects an infant shelf thing on and they found it.  Oh man, I got such a kick out of their excitement over the "secret door."  Love these funny little girls!

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