Wednesday, June 28, 2017

falls of the ohio state park

 After we left my brother's house Sunday, we headed up for a long weekend in Louisville.  We had the best time!  We stayed in a hotel, which of course the girls were thrilled about.  Monday morning we headed to Falls of the Ohio State park.  It was so much fun and the weather was amazing.  We got to hunt for fossils and I couldn't believe how into it the girls were!  Heidi was drawing the fossils that she found on the hotel notepad and they loved talking about what they thought the fossils were.  The funniest was when Jeff found a round smooth rock and told them he found a dinosaur egg fossil.  They all believed him and wanted to take it home.  We also got to see George Rogers Clark's home that is built right in that area.  Overall it was an absolutely perfect morning.  We had the best time together.

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