Wednesday, June 24, 2015


 I cannot imagine how we ever lived without this sweet little one year old.  She sure brings a lot of happiness and laughter into our home.  I still can't believe Caimbree is one already.  Where the heck did the last year go?

One year stats:

27 inches--below 5%
16 lbs. 12 oz.--below 5%

Her cheeks make her look a little chubbier than she is ha ha.

 *Has 7 teeth, 4 on top, 3 on bottom
*Absolutely loves to feel like she is part of everything.  She is at her happiest if she thinks Heidi and Savanna are including her in their fun.
*Whenever she does something super cute (like bounce her little body around when the girls are dancing) and we look at her and give her a bunch of attention for it, she gets really shy and gives this cute little grin and then hides her face.
*Loves when Jeff gets home from work
*Pulls herself up on everything.  Her favorite thing is to pull herself up on anyone and everyone.
*Hasn't attempted walking.
*When we hold her hands and try to get her to walk she lifts her feet up really high.
 *I often catch her sitting in Heidi and Savanna's closet trying on their shoes.
*Loves her blanket and every other blanket.  If she thinks you are taking her blanket away she lets you know how mad she is.
*Loves sweet things, watermelon, pasta, applesauce, and
*Loves to be outside.  She likes pointing at the birds, rabbits, and squirrels on our morning walks.
*Stating to get more hair, but it is so blonde it's hard to see how much is actually there.
*If she finds any clothes laying on the floor she tries to put them on.
 *Babbles quite a bit but we mostly still hear dada, mama, baba, rara...we have gotten her to say 'hi' but not consistently.
*Still has her bright blue eyes
*Most people comment on her cheeks and eyes
*Waves.  She especially likes to stand at the door when Jeff is mowing the lawn and wave at him every time he passes by.
*If the girls go outside, or really anywhere, without her, she gets really upset.
 *We all enjoy making her giggle because she has the cutest little laugh.
*Has a very loud voice!
*Likes to color when the girls do
*Loves putting things in and out of places like boxes or bags
*Enjoys being out and about
*Has been fighting her morning nap, but still needs it so she usually falls asleep in my arms for a few minutes or in the car in the morning, takes an afternoon nap around 12:30, and goes to bed between 7 and 8.  She sleeps until about 6 but she has been known to wake up once in the night or around 5.  She was doing so well, but now that she is working on multiple teeth, it's always a mystery what she's going to do.
 *She is pretty easy to spoil
*Kicks her legs like crazy when she's excited
*Loves to be read to and will sit  in front of a pile books for a long time looking at pages.
*Loves to splash in the water.  Absolutely loved it when I took them to the city pool.
*Nicknames include Maimbree, Maim (these come from Savanna trying to saying Caimbree), Caimb, Caimba Raimba Chaimba Baby, Rae,  Caimbers, Rae Rae
*Gets so excited to see her sisters in the morning and after naps

Caimbree is so incredibly popular around our house.  The girls love her as much as she loves them.  They fight over who gets to hold her and Caimbree is sure to cheer either of them up if they are sad.  Savanna can't walk past her without stopping to give her a kiss.  She is so easy to love.

We love you, Caimbree!!!!  You bring so much joy
Please slow this growing up thing down a little.

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