Wednesday, April 23, 2014

easter, part 3

 We colored eggs on Saturday night.  Both of the girls had fun.

 Heidi loved having her dad and my brother Michael give her ideas of what she could do to make her eggs look extra cool.
 Savanna was so cute.  She would get a surprised look on her face when we would pull the egg out of the dye.  She was fascinated in the whole process and may or may not have cracked a few in the process.
 One of the days we made Easter cookies to take to our friends and neighbors.  Heidi's favorite part was the sprinkles and Savanna's was sneaking pieces of dough.
 Easter morning was fun. The girls were excited to come downstairs and see what the Easter bunny brought. 
Savanna was impossible to get a picture of because she couldn't believe her luck at finding so many sweets. 

We had a wonderful Easter and can't wait to celebrate again next year!

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