Monday, April 21, 2014

easter, part 1

I always end up taking millions of pictures of Easter so I am just going to split it into a lot of posts because when I make my blog book it turns out better.

We started really celebrating Easter on Saturday.  There was a community egg hunt at Fort Bridger.  It was the most beautiful day and the girls had a lot of fun.

They did a great job splitting the kids by age so the little ones had a fair chance.  Jeff gave Heidi a bunch of pointers before she started and she made out pretty good.  I had to wake Savanna early from her nap to get there on time so she wasn't in the best of spirits, but as soon as she realized there was candy in the eggs she was all about it and couldn't have been happier.

Both of the girls were so fun this year.  Savanna loved trying to open the eggs on her own and always got the funniest face while her whole body was shook trying to get those tight eggs open.  It was a fun morning and it felt so nice to be outside.

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