Saturday, October 12, 2013

vacation time, part 1

Jeff took a week off from work (finally!) so we took a much needed vacation.  We went up to Oregon to visit my grandma.   She moved to Oregon a few years ago and we haven't been able to get up to see her.  She is 88 years old--doesn't she look amazing?  It was so nice to see her again.  Heidi met her when she was 10 months old, but of course has no memory of that visit.  The night before we left she could hardly sleep because she was so excited to go see great grandma Heidi.  Great grandma Heidi loved these two little girls and of course they loved her and gave her lots and lots of loves.
 On our way home we stayed the night in Boise and had such a great time together.  We checked into the hotel and gave the girls naps and then headed out to see what we could do.  The zoo was closing in an hour but we found this little river that had TONS of ducks and geese.  We had bread in our car so we fed them and boy oh boy did the girls think this was the best activity ever.
Savanna was hysterical.  She was just shrieking and squealing and trying to grab them the whole time.  Jeff would give her a piece of bread and of course it went straight in her mouth.  Heidi was a little more skittish, of course, but she was had a blast. She liked the ducks a lot more than the geese since they were less aggressive and much smaller.  It was so funny because when she ran out of bread they were still following her all over the place.  She couldn't lose them.  
The weather was a little chilly, but still beautiful the entire time.  All of the trees were in full blown fall and it was absolutely gorgeous.  Funny story about the hotel....Heidi was so excited about the shampoo, conditioner, and lotion bottles and couldn't believe her luck at being able to take them home.  The first night I was explaining to her what the conditioner was for when I was washing her hair.  The next day she kept saying, "Now, where did that air conditioner go?  I need that air conditioner so my hair doesn't have snarls."  She is still carrying her "air conditioner" around.

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