Monday, June 17, 2013

dad's day

 I love father's day.  Such a great day to remember and be thankful for all the wonderful men in our lives.  I am so grateful to my dad.  He is the sweetest, most sensitive, loving man.  He calls to check on me and the girls weekly.  I am so grateful to my father-in-law.  He is such a hard worker and I am so grateful he raised such a wonderful son.  I love seeing him with my girls.  I am so grateful to Jeff.  My girls totally hit the jackpot with their dad.  He is so dedicated to them and finds so much joy in everything they do.  He works so hard to give us such a wonderful life.
I asked Heidi some questions about her dad.  As part of his father's day we let him take a nap.  She wasn't crazy about this as you will see by her responses.

Me: What is dad's name?
Heidi: Jeff.  Your name is Beth, mom.  Can I go wake up dad now?

Me:  What do you like to play with dad?
Heidi: Probably legos.  Can I go wake up dad now?  I think he wants to play legos with me.

Me: What does dad like to eat?
Heidi: Ice cream.  Uh huh.  He loves ice cream.  He eats it every night I think.  I'm going to go wake up dad now.

 Me: What does dad call you?
Heidi: Heidi Magdalena Biffins Hunziker.  'Cause I biff it.  See?  I will biff it right now.

Me: What does dad do at work?
Heidi: Does he look at pipes or something?  I think so.  He does sprinklers everyday when he's home.  Is dad in his bed?  Can I go wake him up right now?

Me: What are dad's favorite books?
Heidi: He loves Critter books, doesn't he?

Me: What does dad do when you aren't around?
Heidi: He would feel so sad.  I better go wake up dad, okay mom?

Love this picture of Grandpa getting father's day snuggles!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads in our lives!
We love you!

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