Tuesday, June 4, 2013

busy weekend

 Back in January my older brother, Eric, told us he was going to come visit at the end of May with his little boy, Jackson.  We were so excited.  Heidi is at the age where she absolutely loves to play with other kids, especially her cousins.  Eric had the kind of flight that makes you never, ever want to fly.  His plane was delayed from Kentucky to Chicago.  This caused him to miss his flight in Chicago.  He got on another flight, but the pilot never showed.  They kept delaying the flight and eventually cancelled it.  He and Jack spent the night (what was left of it) in the airport.  At 4:30 am he got on a flight to Denver and from Denver to Rock Springs, where I eventually picked him up.
 Of course, with all the cancellations and delays, his luggage was lost.  Late Friday night it made its way to our house.  He was very excited to have a change of clothes.
 We had no way of knowing when he scheduled his trip where we would be at with the yard. We didn't anticipate a late winter and thought the yard would already be in.  So he got to help lay and spread the top soil.  We were also lucky enough to have Jeff's parents come and help.  I seriously do not know what we would do without their help. Once the yard is in, they might actually get to come visit and just relax and play with the girls!
 We were happy Eric's luggage arrived because he had made Heidi this rocking chair.  She absolutely adores her special seat.  She likes to tell us what the letters are and that spell her name.  It is her very own reading chair and she spends a great majority of her day in the chair she got from her Uncle Eric.
Now when we ask her to do something, it's not uncommon for her to say, "I'm too busy rocking in my rocking chair."

We were grateful to all of our visitors that traveled to see us this weekend and we are so incredibly grateful for all the help we received getting our half acre ready for sod!!  We can't wait to have a yard!

1 comment:

Dana said...

What a cute chair! That is such a sweet gift. Good luck with the yard!