Thursday, March 19, 2015

9 months

 Happy 9 months, Caimbree!!  Oh my goodness is Caimbree a delightful baby.  I love this age.  Caimbree has such sweet, easy going personality.
 *Wants to crawl in the worst way, but just can't figure it all out yet.  If she would get up on her knees I don't think it would take long.  She dives for things and scoots backwards.
*Eating solids better but prefers finger food.
*Still refuses a bottle and sippy cups of every kind.
*Loves to be out and about.
*Loves her binky.
*Still super giggly.
*SO interactive.
*Super observant.  She is always watching everything going on around her.
*Takes a nap around 8:30 for about an hour or so and another nap around 12:00/12:30 for about 2 1/2 hours.
*Goes to bed around 7 and usually sleeps until about 6 or 6:30, but occasionally she wakes up around 3.
*When she wakes up she plays around with her binkys until we come get her and then she kicks her legs like crazy and starts squealing.
*The sounds we hear the most are "ba ba, ma ma, ra ra, da da"
 *Claps her hands.
*Likes to bang toys together.
*Absolutely LOVES music.  She gets so excited when we put music on and starts dancing.  She loves to sit next ti me while I play the piano.  She starts cooing and it sounds like she is trying to sing.
*Has her two bottom teeth and her top "fangs" are RIGHT on the surface.  I have no idea how they have not broken through already.  Looks like she will have those before her front teeth like Heidi did.
*Gets shy when people talk to her and hides her face in my chest.
*Her separation anxiety really isn't bad.  She loved my dad when he was here and snuggled right into him.  The only time she really cries when I'm not there is if she is hungry or tired and actually sees me walk away.
 *Caimbree is usually so happy and smiley but I have very few pictures of her actually smiling!  She's always too busy trying to figure out what is in front of my face to smile.
*Caimbree also makes the most HILARIOUS faces.  She cracks us up.  She is often found with her inner lip in.
*Everyone comments on her round little cheeks and bright blue eyes.
*Nicknames include, Caimb, Caimber baby, Rae Rae, Me Me (Savanna's way of saying her name), Maim (Savanna's nickname for her).

Caimbree really is a dream.  We all love our little doll. She is just easy to have around.  We love her and her funny, happy little personality so much!  Happy 9 months, Caimbree girl!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Those cheeks! Oh she is so adorable:)