Friday, September 19, 2014

three months

It's baby is already 3 months old!!  What a doll she is and I am not quite sure how we ever lived without her.  We think Caimbree is about 23.5 inches and probably close to 10 pounds, but since we don't have shots this month, we don't have anything official!
 *Grasps things.  She especially likes to put her little hands around her binky, which usually results in her yanking it out.
*Has discovered her tongue and loves to stick it out a great majority of the day.
*Loves to laugh and smile.  So far my easiest baby to get a laugh out of.
*Loves to be held and cuddled, although she also enjoys her play mat and bouncy seat sometimes.
*Fairly tolerant of tummy time, although I am not so great about remembering tummy time everyday.
*Enjoys her bath unless she is hungry or tired, but definitely doesn't like to be cold.
*Coo a lot. We love hearing her little voice.
*Pretty mellow, but if she ever does get upset, she lets you know loudly.
*Sleeps from about 8:30-6:30, although there have been nights where she is up around 2 or 3.  If she does get up in the middle of the night, it's a huge pain because I can't ever get her to go back to sleep in her bed.
*Tends to take a few short cat naps in the morning, a longer afternoon nap, and a couple short cat naps to get her through to bedtime.
*Gets lots and lots of kisses and hugs from her older sisters.  She is definitely loved around here.
*Absolutely loves to be talked to.
*Pat-a-cake is her very favorite game.
*Stating to get a bald spot all around the middle of her head.
*Loves our morning walks and loves to be outside.
*Prefers to be held by mom or dad, but isn't too terribly picky yet.  I have a feeling I have another mama's girl on my hands, but it's too early to tell.
*Wearing mostly 0-3 months, but can fit in newborn pants.
*Seems to be quite easy going.
*When I read to the girls she likes to be a part of the fun.
*Doesn't like to be left in a room alone.
*She gets called by her first and middle name a lot.  We have never really called either of the other girls by their first and middle names, but it just seems to fit.
*Starting to get startled out of sleep by loud noises, which has made some naps a little difficult with the chaos of the older girls around.

Overall, Caimbree is just a sweet, cuddly
little girl!  We absolutely love
having her in our family.
We all have so much fun getting her to laugh
and smile.  

We love you Caimbree Rae!!

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