Monday, September 30, 2013

oh so much to do

 Last week it snowed.  Yes, snowed.  Maybe my memory is getting worse the older I get, but I seriously cannot remember the last time it snowed in September.  To say I was mad about the snow is an understatement...especially because we still have oh so much to do before winter really hits.

Thank you, snow, for melting.  Saturday was a little chilly, but we we took advantage of the warmer temperatures and worked like mad.

First, we finished stacking all of the wood Jeff had split.  I had quite a bit stacked, but the snow pretty much slowed down my efforts.  It feels so good to have it stacked...until this weekend of course when we go get one more big load.
 I think my girls were thrilled to be outside after staying in for two whole days.  I have a feeling winter is going to be pretty hard on my bike riding, park loving girls who have become quite accustomed to walking all over town every day.

They were little gems the whole time we were working.  Savanna may or may not have eaten a few handfuls of grass.  Maybe a bug or two?  Dirt?  More than likely.
Once the wood was stacked we started painting the shed.  It took us all summer just to get the paint and now we feel like we have to hurry, hurry, hurry and get it painted before winter.

Heidi absolutely and completely loved this job.  She happily painted H's all over and kept telling Jeff, "Thanks for finding this little paintbrush just for me."

We got most of it painted before it was too dark to work and then, well, the wind started and it hasn't stopped for two days and I am about ready to scream.  I hate the wind.  Hate it.  I am dying to get the shed finished.  I absolutely hate, hate, hate, HATE unfinished projects!  Seriously.  This is quite a test for me.  Oh and of course our family pictures that have to keep being put off due to the lovely weather.  Can we please, please, pretty please have some nice fall weather with no wind so we can get all of our projects done??

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