Monday, September 9, 2013


 My big three year old started preschool today!  I am just doing it with some other moms this year.  Heidi is just thrilled that it is only girls.  
 Today was our first day.  We only had three today since one of the girls woke up throwing up.
We had a fun day learning about the letter A.  We always start our day with the pledge, weather/calendar activities, and a couple of songs.
 We did some sidewalk chalk activities with the letter A and made color sorting apple trees.  We also did a few tracing pages.
We sang songs, read books, and did a few puzzles.  We had a snack and colored.  It was a fun day and the girls had fun getting to know each other.  We will see how Heidi does when preschool isn't at our house, but she sure had a fun time today! 

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Heidi looks so cute! It looks like such a fun preschool! They are lucky to have a REAL teacher teaching them :) And what a good idea for the crafts too!