Sunday, May 25, 2008

Random Facts

I can't think of anything interesting to blog about, but I wanted to post. So, here are 25 random facts you may or may not know about me.

1. When I was in high school I lived in Malibu, California. I took a marine biology class my senior year and I got to go to the beach every week to collect data. In addition, I was able to go on several fieldtrips out on the ocean. So cool! During one of these trips, I was chased by a herd of angry sea lions. Good times.

2. I have always wanted to live back east or in the midwest.

3. Sometimes when I get bored I like to prank call Jeff.

4. I always like to have a little something sweet after I eat dinner.

5. I really like to learn about decorating techniques even though I don't think I am very good at decorating myself. I could sit in Barnes and Noble forever reading books on decorating and looking at pictures.

6. I am a list maker. I have lists for everything. Whenever Jeff and I have a lot to do, I always say, "I know! Let's make a list!" It drives Jeff crazy. It drives him more crazy when it's just things he needs to do and he wants to vent. Then I try to "fix" his stress with lists--yeah, he doesn't like that.

7. I would love to travel someday. I want to go to Ireland and Germany the most, but there are a lot of states in the US I still want to see.

8. I like to save money and I would do almost anything to make a little extra. If I ever get money for birthdays or gifts, it goes straight to savings. When I want to buy something I wait until I am really sure I want it. I prefer to wait for something I want until I can pay for the whole thing completely, but I don't like to just buy "cheap" things. I would rather save and buy something of high quality especially if it's something I need to last for a long time (car, furniture, etc). Not that I never buy anything on a whim, but it doesn't happen very often.

9. I don't like to be late. I leave on time and arrive on time. Jeff thinks I'm late, but he's just a 20 min. early kind of guy. If I say I'll be somewhere at a certain time, I'll be there 2-5 min. early. If Jeff says he'll be somewhere, he'll be there 15-20 min. early.

10. I consider myself to be frugal, but not "cheap". As I mentioned before, I like to buy quality and I also like to be generous with gifts and doing things for others. I love going all out for someone's birthday. But when it comes to conveniences for myself, I definitely try to conserve. For example, if I can walk somewhere, I'll walk even if it's less convenient or takes longer. Why waste the miles and gas? If I can handle my house being a little hotter or colder to save on utilities, I'll do it. Now if someone is coming over, the heat or air will go on so they aren't uncomfortable, but if it's just me, I can handle it being a little hot or cold. If I get a couple channels with the antenna, I'm not going to have cable. I don't buy lunch or go out to eat a lot even if it means eating leftovers I am sick of. Planning and budgeting can go a long way even if it's not always what I "want" in the moment.

11. I do better in small groups.

12. I don't really like ice cream unless I'm in Texas.

13. I don't like being around a lot of noise--lots of noise makes me antsy. I hate yelling. I don't yell and I am so glad Jeff doesn't yell at me. That might be a deal breaker.

14. I love weekends when I have absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go.

15. I feel so lucky to live in the United States for so many millions of reasons.

16. I may never be able to have children of my own, but I really don't like to talk about my problems. Adoption is something Jeff and I often talk about.

17. I don't really like summer. It's more that I really don't like feeling hot and sweaty. I don't like being cold either, but I really hate being hot. My face turns red as a beet just walking outside.

18. The sun makes me sneeze.

19. I used to love rollerblading. My favorite thing to do in high school was rollerblade at the beach.

20. I would rather rent a movie than go see one. I get uncomfortable in the theater. Although, when I rent one, I usually watch it in pieces. I have a hard time sitting through the whole thing.

21. I like writing stories.

22. I have no sense of direction. I get lost really easily and I have to take a route a lot of times before a recognize where I am. I get really frustrated when I get lost.

23. I have a hard time trying new things. Change is hard for me--definitely a creature of habit.

24. I'm more productive when I have a lot to do.

25. I am very sensitive and my feelings get hurt really easily. If I think someone is mad at me I can't stop thinking and analyzing everything.

Wow, that was harder than I thought! I challenge everyone to try's kind of fun!


McMurtrey said...

Wow! This was great to read. I realy think that I'm getting to know you better. since you married Jeff and became my sister-in-law I haven't spent a lot of time with you. (probably because we live 10 hours away) I really appreciate your bog and hope to be a better sister-in-law now that I have some insites to you!!

The Peterson's said...

You are so cute! I love all you little stories!

jonna said...

i was excited to see that I knew most of things about you already! you are so funny! I can't believe you are leaving...thank goodness for the blogs!

jonna said...

p.s..i love that you keep changing your is addicting once yo uknow how, huh?

Rachel K. said...

Beth! You are so amazing... I'm going to miss working with you next year. You have taught me so much about how to be a better teacher and person. It always fun reading your blog.

Whitney Hawley said...

I knew a few of those things!! Ha Ha when do you move to WY? I am moving to virginia in 10 days!!!

Lindsey said...

LOL! I love reading your blog. You make me laugh.

jonna said...

i love that you are still changing your blog...your are so funny. and it looks like you are giving tutorials now to others...nice work!!

Scott & Christie Lamb said...

wow thanks for the insight beth! i just love ya and i'm so sad that you aren't going to be around next year! you'll have to keep me posted on your new place and class! today was a blast hanging out with you at field day....or should i say...(na i won't go there) haha

Cindi said...

26. Once she gets to know you and relax around you, Beth is one of the funniest people, ever! I laugh so hard every time I sit and visit with her.
27. Beth does the BEST impressions of her students. The impressions are so funny and right on the money.

Love ya!

Jill Cook said...

I will miss you at school. You are a great teacher! All the best in Wyoming.

Lacey said...

Wow, I learned a lot about you Beth! Maybe you could teach me to do you do it???

Shauna said...

Beth, I loved learning more about you. We have a lot in common. I am a big list maker & I do a lot better in small groups as well. Great post. I hope you are doing well.~Shauna

Laura T said...

Beth, you're blog is always so fun to read! Loved learning more about you, can't wait to hear the Wyoming stories!

jonna said...

b-diddy, bethy-boo-boo! I am dying to hear about wyoming, your new house, etc! post please!!!

Scott & Christie Lamb said...

Hey babe!! i miss ya and thought i would write and say hi! hope all is well in your new place and you're all year just won't be the same with out ya! love ya!

Jess said...

This was a great idea! I love these fun things when there is nothing else to say.