Thursday, March 6, 2008

Two Funny Stories

Pretty much I love teaching. One of the biggest reasons I love teaching is because I love working with other teachers and making friends. But of course the other reason why is because I love the kids and the funny things they do and say. As tired as I have been this time of year, two funny things happened the last two days. The kids usually say something that makes me almost pee my pants, but I always forget to write it down. So I finally have two stories that probably aren't nearly as funny without being there, but at least it's something to post about.

#1 Today one of my favorite little boys brings his own book from home for reader's workshop. He pulls out of his backpack a "Teaching of the Presidents" relief society manual out of his bag. I seriously almost wet my pants when I saw it. I asked him what it was and he got kind of embarrassed and said it was a book he brought from home. I was trying not to laugh when I asked him if I could see the cover. He shows me and I confirm what I thought it was. Jeff was so sweet and came to school to help me out today. I pointed out to him what he was reading and of course he thought it was pretty funny too. I asked the little boy to read to Jeff. He was reading it SO loud and I could tell Jeff was trying so hard not to laugh. He was reading it great, but was clearly NOT interested!!! He wasn't sure what to do since he was reading to Jeff so he just kept on going. It was hilarious. I can just picture him grabbing something from his bookshelf at home not really knowing what he was grabbing but feeling like it looked big and cool. I love teaching in Utah.

#2 Yesterday one of my sweet little girls said something about her dad. I asked her if she was talking about her dad or her stepdad. She looked confused and I figured out that she doesn't think of her stepdad or stepmom as anything other than dad and mom. So I said, "That's so cool that you have two moms and two dads! You are pretty lucky!" She then tells me that she is actually even more lucky than that because she has THREE sets of parents. I looked confused and asked her what she meant. She then points to the ceiling and says, "I have parents in heaven too." It was adorable. Once again, love teaching in Utah!


jonna said...

your right...only in utah. I always loved when you asked who the president of the united states was and their response was "President Hinckley!" -very cute. miss that!!!:(

jonna said...

hey...would you be mad if i changed your blog again...i am not sure i love it...sorry...i am a little OCD when it comes to these things. Remind me to bring my software next time I come out to the school and I can give you a tutorial so you can do it yourself...let me know if you want to keep the blog...

Lindsey said...

LOL!!! I loved these stories and miss this part of teaching. Ah the memories.

So still house hunting, huh? I hate house hunting. It gets really frustrating when you find out what you can afford and what you want are two different things. Good luck with that and with the new teaching job hunt. Boy, things at Pony Express are certainly changing aren't they?

The Peterson's said...

That is fun! Oh the little things you most likely not get in Wyoming. Enjoy it now. When I taught in Wyoming most kids talked about drinking, jail, and meth. Once in awhile I got the cute LDS kids like that though.

Carrie and Jeff said...

I do miss the funny things kids would say at school. I should have written them down. I can't seem to remember very many (or any).

Whitney Hawley said...

I miss those cute pony stories!!!! My students now know way to much for thier own good.

Lacey said...

That's so funny! I wish I would have written stuff down when I was teacher! It's those moments that get you through the day.

Chris said...

I loved your stories... they make me miss being across the hall from you this year.