Thursday, March 13, 2008


Thank you Jonna for two things: 1. The tag (now I have something to post about and 2. My blog design (I failed to mention that Jonna always fixes my blog disasters and is always responsible for my cute headers and papers!)

5 things tag

10 years ago:

It was 1998 and I was in my junior year of high school. I was probably studying for AP exams, stressing out about homework, and playing pranks on people. Wait a second, has anything really changed besides studying for AP exams??? I still stress non-stop (I probably have an ulcer I don't even know about) and I am still playing pranks on many different people. I was also working at a gym in a daycare 10 years ago, babysitting for a lot of people that paid me really well, and going to movies and hanging out with people from school and church. I didn't love my high school years, I'm not gonna lie. College was much, much, much more fun! Going to a richie high school with a bunch of spoiled druggies=not the best experience.

5 Things On My To-Do List:

1. Call principals in Wyoming and beg them for a job
2. Get Jeff's lunch ready for tomorrow
3. Go to the store and buy some cheese for tomorrow's dinner (bbq chicken wraps--a little creation I made up last year--I know, I am really skilled)
4. Develop my class pictures for the student treasures book
5. Empty the dishwasher

5 Snacks I Enjoy:

1. grapefruit, grapefruit, and more grapefruit
2. cheese-its
3. sweedish fish (especially the multi-flavored packs), any chewy candy
4. dill pickles
5. fresh fruit (especially summer fruits), mostly peaches, mangos, watermelon, cantelope, etc.

If I Suddenly Became a Billionaire I would...

*Adopt a baby(ies)
*Buy a house and furniture!!
*Buy Jeff a new four wheeler and all the tools he wants
*Invest in or start a school for underpriviliged children in inner cities.
*Put most of it in savings (I'm a saver, what can I say?)
*Shopping spree (for clothes of course)
*Invest in a good pair of top of the line running shoes
*Take a bunch of classes like decorating, scrapbooking, sewing, and many other craft classes
*Take a trip to Portugal, Ireland, and Italy, and Germany
*Send my dad some money so he could retire and not stress about money
*Send my sister plane tickets to come visit me
*Oh yeah, and I should probably get a new cell phone because mine is almost from the dinosaur ages. I don't really know how it still works. Although, sometimes I think I should just not have a cell phone and cut expenses, but if I have a billion dollars...I don't know, it's a toss up.

5 Places I Have Lived:
1. Naperville, IL
2. Troy, MI
3. Malibu, CA
4. Corpus Christi, TX
5. West Jordan and Provo, UT

5 Jobs I Have Had:
1. Daycare at a gym and more recently at a "pre-school" thing
2. 4 AM custodial at the Harold B. Lee Library
3. BYU laundry (Both job #2 and #3 have the best, most hilarious memories)
4. 3rd grade teacher
5. 2nd grade teacher

5 Things You Didn't Know About Me:

1. Most people thing I am really shy and quiet, especially at first. I am especially quiet in big groups but once you get to know me (and sometimes it takes awhile), you might not think that anymore. Sometimes I talk way too much and if you get me laughing too hard I won't be able to stop. Small things amuse me too, so you better be careful.
2. I can't leave a project unfinished. Once I start something, I HAVE to finish it and I do not like to be interrupted. This goes for big projects and little ones. That is probably why I burn dinner (and pans) a lot. I get doing something and I think, "I will go turn the dinner off as soon as I put this last load of laundry away"...etc. I would rather go to bed 4 hours late than have something unfinished. I am actually a little OCD about it.
3. I can't leave anything out for too long. I would rather put a project that I don't finish (much to my dismay) completely away and then pull it all out the next day. I hate having anything out!! If I leave the house with a blanket unfolded or a dish in the sink I think about it all day. Once again, I think I am a little OCD. I would even rather stuff something in a drawer than have it left out (this drives Jeff crazy!!! )
4. I have always wanted to teach in an inner-city school with little ones that don't have good homes, but I have never been brave enough and now I'm comfortable where I am. Maybe one day...
5. I am very insecure about my height. I hate it when people draw attention to my height and I have always felt like less of person because of it.

I tag: Megan, Camielle, Heidi B. and C., and whoever else has not yet done this tag!!

PS Sorry, I went a little crazy on this tag with long answers...did you even make it to the end????


Natalie Kay said...

Made total sense! I'm so glad I've had the chance to get to know you better this past month. Sorry for being so flakey with the after school running. I had a lot of motivation at first, but it's mostly died off. What should we do to help get my butt in gear?

jonna said...

ah bethy! miss you tons! I am the same about the shyness. People think I am quiet and don't talk until they get to know me. My family has made fun of me for years...I hate it just like you hate the height;s like...get over it...
I am coming to the school next week! YEAH!!! call you later

The Birds said...

You make me laugh so hard! The OCD stuff reminds me of your empty file cabinet that you kept just for your piles! Eventhough I am not as bad as you, I do the same thing with all my crap. The bad thing is that I have a disorder called, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind", so if I put it away, I forget about and then I end up having eight million unfinished projects! Your worst nightmare! You never responded about my response email. Did you get it? I wanted an update on the adoption stuff! Love your cute face!

Laura T said...

Your tag made me laugh, and I can commiserate with the whole "quiet in groups" thing. I've been that way most of my life, until I started teaching. I love reading these kinds of posts- I feel like I get to know you better every time I read your blog!

Lindsey said...

You are hilarious!!! I loved this post. I totally agree with you. College was much, much, much better than high school. Good luck with your to do list, especially the part of calling principals in Wyoming. I hate calling people about stuff like that and put it off as long as I can.

jonna said...

beth, i am in the process...sorry...will have it done soon!

Cindi said...

If the principals in Wyoming knew you, they would be calling and begging you to come to their school!!! Could you stop by my house sometime and use your OCD here?

jonna said...

bethers...did you get my message...sound good?