Sunday, March 4, 2018

wacky wednesday

 Savanna found out that her school was going to dress up for Wacky Wednesday during Dr. Seuss week. I don't think I have seen anyone quite as excited as she was to actually get to do a dress up day.  She has never complained when she saw Heidi dressing up for fun days, but I guess she must have been waiting and waiting for her turn.  She wanted the same donut hair Heidi had last year.  She picked her clothes out the night before and was dressed and ready by 6:30 the next morning.  She was just a happy ball of excitement!  She came home from school just over the top excited and happy about all of the fun Dr. Seuss activities they had done. She was especially excited about the oobleck they had made and couldn't wait to show me the recipe that came home in her folder.  I love this happy little spirit. She really, truly is just a happy, carefree little person with a giant sized heart.  I am glad she had such a wonderful day!

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