Sunday, March 4, 2018

poor little heidi bug

If you know Heidi, you know she adores school.  She especially lives for the fun days. Unfortunately, Heidi has a bit of bad luck when it comes to these fun dress up days.  Tuesday night she was excitement as she showed me how she was going to wear mismatched earrings and one of them backwards. She picked her clothes.  She planned her hair.  Wednesday morning I heard her crying in her room.  When I went up, she said she couldn't go to school and didn't feel well.  I thought she was just excited/nervous/tired.  I figured she didn't sleep well because she was too excited.  I told her to get up and that she probably just needed breakfast. She wouldn't get up.  She said her stomach hurt again.  She wouldn't get dressed.  So I let her teacher know she wouldn't be there.  Heidi bawled and bawled.  I asked her if she was crying because she didn't feel well or because she was disappointed.  She said, "I'm just so sad. I miss every fun day.  I have been looking forward to Wacky Wednesday this whole year."  It was heartbreaking.  That day she just kept getting worse.  I thought it was stomach because she kept complaining about her stomach, but she never got sick.  I took her temperature later morning and it was climbing.  She was complaining about not being able to walk and just wanted me to hold her in her bed.  So I laid next to her while Savanna was at school and Caimbree played dress up in her closet.  Her teacher asked if I could get a picture of her in a certain pose and send it to her.  She didn't feel up to it until almost 3 pm, but when she did, she asked if she could wear her Wacky Wednesday clothes and if I would do her hair like she had planned.  It ripped my heart in half because I knew how incredibly sad she was to be missing this day. That night her fever hit 104 and Thursday she was still pretty miserable.  Friday I decided to just take her in and make sure it wasn't strep before the weekend.  We found out she had influenza b and an ear infection.  The flu didn't surprise me based on her symptoms but she hadn't been complaining of any ear pain.  By Saturday morning her fever was gone and other than cough and stuffy nose, she is pretty much back to normal and ready to try school again.  Poor Heidi just can't catch a break this year.  I hope this is the last illness she has for a long time!

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