Thursday, January 18, 2018

snow days

 This winter has not been our greatest.  It has been cold, bitter cold.  And when it's not bitter cold, it's raining buckets.  And when it's not raining buckets or water, it's dumping ice and snow.  Have I mentioned it's been cold?  It has been so cold and we really are not used to it anymore.  It has been hard to be so cooped up.  Due to the latest cold snap and snow, the kids have been out of school a lot.  A lot.  As in, they got out for Christmas break on December 15 and they have been back to school a total of 4 days since then, which is pretty crazy considering January is more than halfway over.  I may not be crazy about winter weather, but the girls, and especially Heidi, have been excited for the snow part!

Here in the south they have some funny little wive's tales about making it snow.  Heidi came home the night before the snowstorm with her list of instructions: pajamas backwards and inside out, ice in the toilets, white crayon in the freezer, and a snow dance before bed.  They got a little snow and some sledding in so they were happy!  The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend and it looks like we will have a break from the cold for awhile, which will be very welcome. I know Heidi is pretty antsy to get back to school!

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