Friday, January 12, 2018

christmas eve fun

 We had some of our good friends and neighbors over for games on Christmas Eve.  It was the best night!  We feel so grateful for the friendships we have made.  We ate, we laughed, the kids had a blast together, and it really was just a perfect evening!  We had the kids put on a nativity and it was such a neat experience!  The kids couldn't wait to participate, which made it extra fun.  We sang Christmas songs together and it was just such a great way to spend the night before Christmas!  Our neighbor, Craig, is so cute with the kids.  He just loves to make them laugh and giggle.  He was hauling all of them around on piggy back and it was so funny.  After our company left, the girls opened their Christmas pajamas and we read the story of Christ's birth in the scriptures together and had family prayer.  I am so grateful for this time of year and for the opportunity to remember our Savior and all He did for each one of us. 

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