Sunday, December 17, 2017

around the house

 I love the little reminders around our house that we have three beautiful little girls around.  We had an elf come this year again and it has been so fun each morning watch the girls find him.  Savanna in particular always has Mistletoe on her mind and loves to find him.  She has a hard time keeping his location secret while her sisters look for him!
 Recently, Heidi has become really interested in football.  I think it's mostly because she loves having something to share with her dad.  She drew this picture and I thought it was the cutest thing.  She loves the Titans, but she roots for the Redskins with her dad when they play.  She and Jeff have nicknames for the teams they don't like.  It's fun to hear them talk about football together.
 During the month of November we made our thankful tree and wrote blessings we were thankful for throughout the month.  When I was taking down the leaves to put up Christmas, I found this one from Heidi and it made me giggle. 

 Heidi is having the best year at school and we just love her teacher!  She came home with this darling gift and I can't wait to display it each year and watch how much she grows.
Savanna has recently been leaving us notes on our pillows and around the house.  I get so happy when I see one of her little notes!

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