Friday, November 11, 2016

savanna at 4

 Oh Savanna.  I still can't believe she is four.  She is looking and acting older every day.

*I have said this many times: this girl has the biggest, most tender heart.  She does not like to see anyone sad and is the first one to do anything and everything to make someone happy.  It is an amazing quality and something we celebrate in her often.
*Along with her kind heart, she is also the most incredibly forgiving person.  When someone is mean to her, I cannot believe how fast she gets over it.  Truly amazing and part of her loving heart.
*Savanna gets attached to people very quickly and then has a hard time when time with them is over.
*She won't leave school or church without giving her teacher a big hug.  She hugs all of her friends constantly.
*While she is so quick to love, she is also really hesitant about new people and situations at first.  She still has anxiety when there are big crowds, unless it is in her own home.

 *Savanna loves to be silly and will do anything to get a laugh.  She has the funniest laugh and we love to hear her belly laugh.
*Savanna has a lot of energy and is extremely bouncy.  Her attention span isn't very long and she learns more by doing than listening.
*Savanna is super independent and a great problem solver.
*Savanna seems to pick up on numbers faster than letters and words.  She has the tendency to flip flop words and phrases around, which usually results in some very funny moments!
*She likes spicy food.
*Savanna is a free spirit and seems very innocent to me.  She gets so over the top excited about the smallest things and the big things too.  Her eyes get the biggest sparkle in the when she tells you something she is excited about.
*Athletics seems to come naturally for her.  She can run so fast for so long and never complains.  She is a natural at dance and is excited to start soccer sometime soon.
*Savanna loves to sing, especially the Frozen songs, songs she learns at preschool, and church songs.
*Her favorite game is Memory and she's really good at it.
*We love her curly hair and her blue eyes.
*When Savanna gets tired, she really, really falls apart.  I can always tell when she needs to go to bed.

I cannot wait to see what this special little girl will become.  I love her compassion and her empathy.  I love that she is only 4, but is so completely selfless.  I love that she wants to make everyone happy and finds so much joy in the happiness of others.  I love, love, love her spirit.  Happy, happy #4, Savanna.  You are truly one of a kind and we are so lucky to have you in our family.  We love you!

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