Thursday, March 24, 2016

stone work

Last week the stone was completed and now they just need to put the siding up on the front.  We are doing a board and bat style siding in the eaves.  Choosing the stone was extremely stressful.  The stone we used on our last house we absolutely loved and we could not find anything that came even remotely close.  We chose a stone and when the stone price came in over budget, we decided to look around again (we were going to do a lot less stone, but because of where the house sits, we really had to to do more to make it even visible).  We looked at stone again hoping to find something a little less pricey. We found one that was slightly less, but the labor was also less so we decided to go with that one thinking they were similar enough to make it worth saving.  Well, to be honest, I was a little disappointed when I saw it.  I don't dislike it, I just like the other one a little better.  Truthfully, even if we had gone with the other stone, I would have thought, "I really wish we could have found a stone like we had before," so it's not the end of the world.  I do kind of wish we had gone with the other one, but I think this one will look great once the siding complete. It looks different depending on the time of day, but I would say these pictures are pretty accurate.  I was a little down about it yesterday and Heidi kept saying in the most cheerful voice, "I think it looks great, mom!  It's perfect!"  It's so fun to have them be such a big part of the whole process.  It has been a little stressful sometimes having three little people with us every single time we have to pick something out and there are times they have been oh so very bored, but overall, they have been amazing throughout the whole process.  Heidi has been an absolute lifesaver with her little sisters.  She is a master at coming up with little fun games at each place and it keeps Savanna and Caimbree much happier.  For example, at the stone place she was telling stories about the different stones and they were pretending they were going to someone's house or something.  They feel like they are part of picking everything and are having fun watching it all come together.  I can't wait to share this home with my sweet little family and have all of the memories of the girls being part of each step.  As happy as I am that we will soon be in the house, I will definitely miss the fun times we have had being together choosing things.  It makes me sad to think about how fast this stage of life is going.  I'm going to blink and I will have three teenage girls in this house.  There has to be a way to make the clocks stop for a few years!

1 comment:

Kari said...

I think the stone looks great! And I love Heidi's imagination:)