Sunday, February 21, 2016

belated valentine's celebration

 We had a small snowstorm that shut schools down for a few days.  The snow really wasn't a big deal and the ice wasn't bad, but they take winter pretty seriously around here haha.  Poor Heidi was devastated at the timing.  She missed her party and then there was a holiday Monday so on Wednesday (a week later than planned) they finally had the party.  Heidi was thrilled.  She spent the morning picking the perfect Valentine outfit and hairdo.  I love how much she loves school.
Heidi begged me to be at the party.  As a former teacher, I know that me coming isn't exactly the ideal situation because of the two smaller children that are kind of part of the package.  The little girls were having a rough morning...Caimbree is teething with those blasted canines and has been off for a couple of weeks and Savanna woke up too early. I really didn't think it would be a good idea to go but I knew Heidi would be so disappointed if I wasn't there and I kept thinking about how she won't beg for me to be with her for all of this stuff forever.  So I went and I was so glad I did.  Her little face just lit up when she saw us walk in.  She was so cute with her sisters and was sharing all of her little treats with them.  I loved seeing her interact with her classmates and as a bonus, the little girls were really well behaved.  They found some books and kept themselves busy and out of trouble.  I'm so glad I went and got to see Heidi enjoying the place she loves so much!

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