Wednesday, December 23, 2015

18 months

 This little sweets turned a year and a half on December 19!  I have been trying to take some pictures of her but there hasn't been a good time.  Today I finally just took her out and grabbed a few.  Caimbree cracks me up because I can very seldom get a picture of any of her true expressions.  I don't know how she can possibly be halfway to two already.  We love her sweet, calm little personality so much!

*Starting to talk quite a bit and we have even heard her combining a couple of words together.  The words she says the most are: baby, mama, dad, stuck, fork, spoon, up, down, drink, and more.  She also likes to make the animal sounds especially the sounds of dogs, cats, cows, ducks, and horses.
*When she wants to tell you something she pats you and makes grunting noises.
*When she wants to tell us something she grabs our hand and says, "Come here" which sounds like, "mere".  She especially likes to haul Jeff around.
*Loves to play hide and seek and is so adorable about hiding and seeking.
*Caimbree still falls a lot.  I am still not sure if there isn't something more going on than just being a little clumsy.
*Caimbree has 12 teeth and has recently started working on her canines.  We can't wait for them to make their debut, as they are making our generally cheerful little girl a little grumpy and tired from interrupted sleep.
*Caimbree just wants to feel like she's part of whatever the big girls are doing.  She follows them around and wants us to help her to do whatever they are doing at any given moment.
*She loves books and loves it if we can spend large amounts of time reading to her.
*Loves to snuggle when she wakes up in the morning and after a nap.
*She will equally go to Jeff and I and doesn't seem to mind if I am not around.  She is my only baby who has been this way and I'm not going to lie, it makes me a tiny bit sad.  However, it makes Jeff so happy because he gets a lot more snuggles and loves than he ever got with the older two.
*Generally goes to bed around 8 and gets up around 6:30 when she hears her sisters.  Takes a nap around 12:30/1 and usually sleeps about 2-2.5 hours.

 *Caimbree is a pretty good little traveler.
*She is really easy going and tends to just go with the flow.
*She can throw quite a fit when she doesn't get her way.
*Loves to be outside and especially enjoys going for walks and jumping on the trampoline.
*Goes to nursery without a problem so far and according to her leaders she is the best kid in there.
*Caimbree is so obedient.  If I ask her to do anything, even if it's something she really doesn't want to do (like give me her binky) she complies.
*Caimbree loves to be out and about.
*When we have people over, she happily just follows along with whatever the other kids are doing.
*She is pretty good at entertaining herself.
*Prefers to feed herself and is getting really good with a spoon and fork.
*If the older girls are upset about something, she will give them a hug and kiss.
*Absolutely loves baby dolls and hugs them and kisses them all day.
*Loves to climb on chairs and the table.
*I took her in about a week ago for something and she was around 19 pounds.

Honestly, Caimbree is just about as dreamy as an eighteen month old can possibly be.

There are no words to describe how much we love this sweet little girl.  If they all came like her, I would have a million.  Happy half birthday, pretty girl!

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