Saturday, February 7, 2015

happy birthday to our favorite guy

Yesterday we got to celebrate our favorite guy!  Unfortunately Jeff had to work, but we thought about him all day and couldn't wait for him to get home.  We heart attacked the door and the girls came up with all the reasons they loved their daddy to put on each heart.  The girls had a blast thinking of things and decorating them with stickers.  Every time Savanna saw the door she would exclaim, "Cute!  Door!  Heart!"
 After a long, hard day at work, Jeff was pretty excited to sit down and read all the reasons we love him.  The girls were so very excited for him to read his hearts.
Heidi was a big helper with the heart activity. She even cut a bunch of them out and was so cute about sharing her stickers and letting Savanna help decorate.  She wanted to hold Caimbree so she could be in the picture as well.  I can't believe how big she is getting.
 While Jeff was at work the girls also helped me make his favorite birthday cheesecake.  They had so much fun helping and sneaking a lick or two in the process.  Not sure how many candles we actually got in the cake...Savanna put a few in upside down and we didn't have 33 candles, but they got quite a few jammed in there.  Caimbree was ready to dig right in but luckily Heidi kept her little grabby hand under control.
Heidi's thoughts on dad:

What is your favorite memory of dad?
One time dad was chasing me to put me in the tickle machine and I was hiding in Savanna's closet.  I was so scared I took my socks off and put them in the diaper box in her closet!  Isn't that funny?  

What do you love the most about dad?
He always plays with me and whatever he plays with me is always super fun.

What makes dad laugh?
When I say, "Cheesecake hair!"  Or like when I say, "Dad, let's go play outside.  Just kidding!  It's too cold!"  (Yes, we have already started saying, 'like'.) 
Savanna's thoughts on dad:

What is dad's favorite color?

What is dad's favorite food?

What do you like to play with dad?

How old is dad?

What do you love about dad?
nuggets (I think she might be meaning she likes when he makes her nuggets?)

What makes you happy about dad?
Princess Bob

Happy Birthday, Jeff!
We are so lucky to have such an amazing man around!
Can't wait to celebrate your day again next year!

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