Wednesday, February 25, 2015

funny little things

I don't write down the funny things my kids say enough.  I wish I was better.  I don't want to forget how when Savanna doesn't want to be tickled or teased she says, "Mood."  In other words, she's not in the mood.  It's probably not as funny typed out as it is when she says it.  Maybe that's why I am not so great at recording them.  I don't want to forget that she refers to herself as "Zanny".  We now all call her Zanny...or Zans....or Zanzibar.  You know, whatever fits.  It's pretty funny to hear Heidi hollering down the stairs for Zanzibar.  Then there was the time it was so warm a few weeks ago we went to the park. That night at dinner we were talking about it and I told Jeff I was so surprised Savanna was a chicken about going down the slides. So she started flapping her arms and bawking like a chicken. Oh how I love my kids.  We hit the jackpot big time.

Today Heidi and I were having a conversation about Doc McStuffins.

Heidi: Mom, have you noticed that Doc always wears her shoes.  I mean all the time.  She never takes them off.

Me:  Maybe it's because she lives somewhere warm so she goes in and out all the time and doesn't want to have to keep putting them back on.

Heidi:  Ummmm....hello??  She lives at Disneyland.

Maybe it's not that funny typed out but when she busted out "Ummmm...hello?"  I about peed my pants.  How could I forget where she lived???  What is wrong with me??  Speaking of that, she thinks that's where every kid friendly animal lives.  We were crumpling ads to start our fire this morning.  There was a picture and ad for Chuck E. Cheese.  She told me the mouse lived at Disneyland.  I was explaining how it was a pizza place with games and the mouse was there.  She said, "No he lives at Disneyland.  When I watch my Doc show it says, 'Chuck E. Cheese is a proud sponsor of Disney Junior.'"  Oh okay.  Now I see why she thinks everything lives at Disneyland....Disney to her is Disneyland.  Never thought my 4 year old would tell me what was a proud sponsor of Disney Junior.

Please stop growing little ones.  I mean it.  Stop.  At this rate they will be moving out of the house in a week.  I can't stand that thought.  I wish I could keep my girls little forever...they are so much fun.

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