Sunday, August 5, 2012

sweet tooth

 Heidi has a really bad sweet tooth and I am just praying she was blessed with Jeff's metabolism.
 The other day we made cookies to put in Jeff's lunch and I let Heidi lick the beater for the first time.  She was in heaven and would have held onto that thing forever if I would have let her.
Then today while I was talking to the neighbor she found Jeff's lunchbox.  (Please excuse her post nap hair). He is on graves and likes to take treats to keep himself awake. This is what happens when she eats an entire Riesen all by herself.  She was so proud of her messy face and couldn't wait to wake her dad up to show him what she had done.  If only I could her as excited about her vegetables as she is about sugar.


Dana said...

A girl after my own heart! I wish i had jeff's metabolism too. ;)

The Peterson's said...

Love it!