Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gampa and Gampa

 This last weekend we were lucky enough to have Jeff's parents come up and visit.  Heidi was so excited to see "gampa and gampa".  It was so funny because she would point at Peggy and say, "gampa", then she would point at Bruno and say, "gampa".  Then she would clap her hands and say, "Yay!"  It was so cute and we were so grateful they were able to come up and spend time with Heidi.  She is so lucky to have wonderful grandparents.  Gampa spoiled Heidi with candy and when Peggy held a piece for her, she stuck the whole, huge piece in her mouth at once.  This kids loves her sugar.
After Jeff's parents left Heidi was sad and kept looking for them.  She walked around the house saying, "Gampa?  Uh oh!  Gampa?  Ohhhh," with a very sad look on her face.

Here is a funny story that happened last night.  It has nothing to do with this post, but I don't want to forget it.  Every time Heidi toots we will look shocked and say, "Heidi!"  So last night we were reading scriptures before bed and Heidi was sitting on my lap.  She tooted and before we could say anything she got a huge grin on her face, opened her eyes really wide, and said, "HEILA!" I seriously could not stop laughing.  I don't know where she picked up calling herself Heila but it is so funny to hear.  This girl cracks me up.

1 comment:

Fleck Family said...

You need to post a video of her cute chatter!