Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Best Dollar I Ever Spent

Sometimes at the grocery store there are carts with great deals in the entrance. I never really look at these carts because I am usually on a mission to get what I need. One day a few weeks ago Jeff and I were walking in and a cart full of bubbles caught my eye. The huge bottle of bubbles was only $1 so I thought, why not? I've seen much smaller bottles going for far more than $1.

Jeff thought I was crazy, but I just had a feeling Heidi would love bubbles so much that she would need a lifetime supply. I figured we would at the very least get a dollars worth of fun.

I had no idea just how much Heidi would love bubbles. We keep them in the garage and every time we go out, all we hear is "BUB! BUB! BUB!! BBBUUUUUUUUBBBBBBB!!" What can I say, the girl loves her bubbles.

Heidi has even been known to stand at the door to the garage shouting for one of two things: 1. da da and 2. bub bub.

She loves to carry the bubble blower around the yard and then bring it to you when she's ready for more. She loves to pop the bubbles that don't pop when they hit the grass. But mostly it's a convenient excuse to be outside. I am really not sure what we are going to do at our house when winter hits because this girl is definitely into the great outdoors.

If you want Heidi to be your friend, just act like you're going outside and she will jump for you. All Jeff has to do is put on his hat and she is convinced he will be the gateway to the outdoors, and of course, her bub bubs.

I had to throw this picture in because is it just me, or does she have the cutest hair ever? I cannot get over how much she has. It seems so unusual to have so much at 1 since it is so light. Now if only she would keep her grabby hands off the bows and ponies!

Also, if you look closely (especially at the first picture) you can still see a slight reaction to the peanut butter from the day before. UGH!


Megan C. said...

Jack and Heidi need to get together to play bubbles. We have to play everytime we go outside too. He's recently gotten good at blowing them himself, although he still enlists mama to make them big. I think they'd have a blast together

The Birds said...

She has the most precious face! I am sorry about the peanut stuff. No fun! I Have a neice and nephew with that. My nephew grew out of it. My neice is still young. But we all cross our fingers for her.