Saturday, August 6, 2011

First Camping Adventure

Last week we took Heidi camping for the first time. We went to one of our very favorite camping/four-wheeling places--Manti! Bruno and Peggy were so nice to let us share their new trailer! It was so much nicer to set the pack and play up in there, rather than in a tent. Taking an almost one-year old was hard at times just because she is so picky about her sleep conditions, but she really did quite well. She loves to be outside so that helped.
The older she gets the more fun she will have. She liked taking little rides on the four wheeler and she liked the dune buggy okay. She didn't love the wind her face. The best part was that she got to spend time with her grandparents and really started warming up to them! Thank you Peggy and Bruno for a great week!

1 comment:

The Peterson's said...

Sounds like fun! I enjoy camping!