Friday, May 13, 2011


So, you know how when it is your first time having a child you never know if what your child does is normal? Like how they sleep, the faces and sounds they make, their overall development, etc. Well, there has always been something I have wondered about Heidi. She was born in the summer and I would try to take her for walks all of the time and she would, well, scream. I would usually end up carrying her in one arm and pushing the stroller with the other mid-walk. I took my nephews for lots and lots of walks and I do not ever remember them doing anything other than sitting there quietly enjoying the free ride. I told myself that as Heidi got older she would love walking. She definitely tolerates it much better now, but I still wonder if she's normal. If it were up to me we would be walking 2 hours or more on these lovely days. She will last about 45 min-1 hour. She also does not sit in her stroller the "normal" way. She always tries to flip herself around or even hang off of the side. It is actually quite funny to watch. I keep telling myself that it's normal since she is at the "figure out how your body moves stage". But my question is, is it really normal for an almost 9- month old to not sit still in the stroller? Were my nephews just abnormal for sitting and enjoying the ride? Perhaps with even more time she will just sit and enjoy the ride? Who knows.

In other news Heidi is crawling around like a pro and we are simply in heaven with this beautiful weather we are taking advantage of every opportunity we can get to be outside! Any time Heidi is not asleep, we find excuses to be outside. The house has been a bit neglected the past few days and dinner has not been ready for Jeff when he gets home, but we could live with this weather from now until next May. Seriously. Do you think this is what heaven feels like? I do.


The Peterson's said...

I wish I could tell you what is normal. Cairo has always been to interested in bug that are on the ground to enjoy a ride like that. He would hang all the way forward until he could see the ground and look for bugs. If we go on walks now it is really slow as he still looks for all the bugs we pass!

Megan C. said...

Jack has never been a big fan of riding in the stroller either. I'd end up carrying him at some point, even at Heidi's age. Now he wants to stop and pick up every rock he sees or get out and push the stroller himself. It drives me crazy!