Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nine Whole Months

Seriously? Seriously? The last nine months have just flown by. Nine months felt like an eternity when this little gal was growing in my belly (which seems so weird because I really don't remember that at all...thankfully). So far 0-3 months was the hardest part and things have just gotten so much better from there. Every month I think, "this is my favorite age"...then the next month comes and then it becomes my favorite. I am amazed at how much she can do compared to just a month ago.

*Crawling all over the place...oh my. She does not look big enough to be crawling so it is all the more adorable. She mostly likes to crawl wherever we go. I can always count on having a little shadow.
*Pulls herself up onto EVERYTHING...but her favorite is mom or dad's leg. This has resulted in a few spills...ouch.
*Has both bottom teeth and has been working on FOUR top teeth...what an over achiever. She has both of her "fangs" and the front two are SO close to the surface. If only they would just poke through so she could have some peace! The top have definitely been more difficult than the bottom two.
*Generally sleeps from about 7pm-6/6:15am. Thankfully she seems to have given up the 5:30am wake up, but that could change at any moment.
*Takes two naps...not too consistent on how long they last. Sometimes 30 min., sometimes 2.5 hrs. I think her teeth have caused quite a disturbance here. Of course now that she stands up in her crib, that doesn't help either! Luckily, as long as she gets a little snooze she will be quite happy and last forever. As long as she is happy, I don't care if she's awake or asleep!

*Waves...especially to herself in the mirror.
*I don't have her 9-month check up for a couple of weeks, but I am guessing she is somewhere between 15-16lbs. Straight formula has helped plump this little one up...but she seems to hold most of it in her cheeks.
*When I tell people how old she is, the first question is generally, "Is she small for her age?" She wears mostly 6 month clothing, some 6-9 months, and can even fit in some 3-6 months.
*She loves her dad...especially when he crawls around on the floor with her. I never knew she could laugh so hard.
*Favorite toy: a magazine or pile of papers.
*Starting to like, or at least tolerate, her bath.
*Sticks her tongue out when she's concentrating.
*Separation anxiety is getting worse.
*Likes to go places to look around.
*Doesn't like to be alone. Even if you are in the same room as her, she wants you right smack next to her. This creates her perfect climbing wall.
*Loves, loves, loves to fake cough. She always gets a reaction so she will do it over and over and if you fake cough, she will start to imitate. It is too funny.
We are so smitten with this little face and can't wait to see what she does next!


The Peterson's said...

She is so cute! You are right being prego and watching them grow... time seems different! I love being able to see here grow on here! She is so fun!

Lindsey said...

Cuuuute!!! Are you coming this way anytime soon? I am dying to see you and this darling little girl.

Natalie Kay said...

That picture with the sideways pink hat is so stink'n cute! Heidi is such a cutie!!

Montgomery Family said...

I cannot believe she is 9 months already! She is so adorable! I loved this age.