Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Easter

We had a great Easter. Holidays are so much more fun now. We hid some eggs in the backyard and Heidi had a great time "finding" them. Really, it was her dad that had the best time. He had a blast lifting her up in all of the trees. It was very cute.

Then of course, she had a scream checking out her Easter basket in the morning. She happily emptied each and every thing from the basket so her dad could put them back in and she could start over. It was quite entertaining to watch.

After she had enough of her basket, we got all ready for church so we could celebrate the real reason for Easter. Most of the time we have lived here I have been with the Young Women. This was my last Sunday teaching. I am now working with the stake young women and I am excited about it, but I will definitely miss being with the ward girls each week. We have such awesome girls and I am so lucky I have been with them for so long!

Jeff's cousin is moving up here (whoo hoo) so since his cute family isn't here yet, he is coming for Easter dinner as well as one of my friends from the ward. It has been a very fun and memorable day!


Natalie Kay said...

Aren't holidays one thousand times more fun now that you have a baby? Especially now that they're getting older and can realize a little better what's going on. I'm loving it!

Your little Heidi is a sweetheart! She looks like she has a cute and fun little personality!

Dana said...

I totally agree- holidays are so much better with a kid around! She looks so cute in that yellow dress! She's such a doll!

The Peterson's said...

I love watching dads get just as excited or even more the the kids about holidays! Happy Easter to you!