Sunday, March 13, 2011

Math Seminar

About a month ago I got a call from the school district asking if I would be interested in teaching a math seminar. I LOVE the math program (Everyday Math) and I love teaching, so I thought, why not? I'm glad I accepted because I had a blast. I had a great time prepping for it (I kept telling Jeff, "I get to use my brain again!), setting up for it, and teaching it. It was perfect because they set it up for a Saturday so Jeff was home to watch the munchkin. I think it gave Jeff a little more appreciation for my job as mommy too. It was funny because when I got home that evening, I thought about my day and I thought about what Jeff's day was probably like and I thought, "yep, I definitely had an easier day!" It really was a blast and I felt flattered that the asked me to teach it. I hope they will call for things like this in the future! It was perfect since it was just a one day thing and I am excited to get a little paycheck too, whoo hoo!

1 comment:

The Peterson's said...

You are an amazing teacher so I am not surprised that they asked you! I also enjoy those little moments I get to use my brain like that again!